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Services Offered

Private Alexander Technique Lessons

Alexander Technique teacher Tami Bulmash working with a student on the table. This is referred to as "Table Work"

Table Work

Tami Bulmash working on student on the chair. This is referred to as chair work

Chair Work

Woman lying on the floor in semi-supine. Her hips and feet are flat on the floor while knees are pointing to the ceiling. This is a similar position like lying on the sand at the beach with knees pointing towards the sky


This image depicts a female student exhibiting undesired posture with an arched back


Undesired Arched Back

This image depicts a female student illustrating desired posture through a tall and lengthened back


Desired Lengthened Back

Performance Coaching for Actors, Musicians, Singers & Dancers

This image illustrates a performer actor standing tall with a lengthened and widened back and feet pressed on the floor.
This is an image of a student playing the fluit with a neck free of tension and relaxed shoulders playing with ease

Posture Education for Business Performance

Business perfomance coaching. Alexander Technique teacher Tami Bulmash is explaining how the Alexander Technique can promote better use of the body leading to better performance at work. She is speaking to employees who are sitting down in a corporate office space


Alexander Technique teacher Tami Bulmash and Professor Erik Peper Present "Stand Tall Don't Slouch"


Alexander Technique teacher Tami Bulmash works with student in chair at the Space Coast Wellness Center

Space Coast

Wellness Center

Alexander Technique teacher Tami Bulmash works with opera singers at a workshop for Opera Orlando



Customized  Webinars for Posture Improvement

Image of AAPB Webinar Title Debunking Myths about Posture

Employee Wellness Day Packages

Employee Wellness Day Packages Keep Calm & Carry On
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